Hire top tech talents
Find your next great hire among Turing College learners and graduates.
Interested in upskilling your existing team? We can help

How Turing College can help you find your next tech talent?
Candidates in our pool
Different nationalities
Based in Lithuania
Flexible and fast recruitment process
As a startup, agility is at our core. We adapt quickly to meet even your most demanding requirements, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process.

Access to a diverse talent pool
With over 2,000 highly skilled professionals from junior to senior levels, we offer a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, helping you find the qualified candidate who will make a perfect fit for your team.
In-demand specialization
We connect you with top talents from most in-demand areas in tech industry. This guarantees that you have experts with the specific skills needed to drive your projects forward and achieve your business goals.
Why should you hire tech talent from Turing College?
Only top-tier candidates
We admit only the top 5-10% of applicants, guaranteeing you access to the best tech talents. These individuals are thoroughly vetted and ready to make an immediate impact on your projects and boost productivity of your team.
Up to 800+ hours of hands-on experience
Our candidates complete extensive hands-on training, ranging from over 600 to more than 800 hours, depending on the program. This intensive process requires a high level of self-discipline, commitment, and motivation, ensuring our graduates not only have necessary technical skills but are also dedicated and resilient.
Industry-leading expertise
Our talents are mentored by industry leaders from top tech companies like Google, Amazon, or Nord. This mentorship brings cutting-edge skills and insights to your team, helping you stay ahead of the competition.
Proven impact
With rigorous training and real-world project experience showcased in their portfolios, our graduates are well-prepared to tackle your business challenges and drive success from day one. You’ll see a return on your investment in no time.
Are you ready to find your next hire?
Let’s talkOur graduates were hired by industry leaders: