Only for residents of GERMANY 🇩🇪

Kelk kvalifikaciją su Lietuvos Užimtumo Tarnyba (UŽT)

Padenk 100% savo mokymų kainos su UŽT finansavimu!

Pasirink programą


Įdarbinimo lygis


Studentų tautybės


Aktyvūs studentai

*Darbui pasiruošę absolventai gavo darbo pasiūlymą ir įsidarbino per 6 mėnesius nuo studijų baigimo.

Koks yra UŽT mokymo biudžetas?

UŽT mokymosi biudžetas - tai biudžetas, į kurį gali pretenduoti kiekvienas dirbantis ir nedirbantis Lietuvos gyventojas, o gavęs patvirtinimą - jį naudoti kvalifikacijai kelti ar karjerai technologijų srityje keisti.

What does the Bildungsgutschein cover?

The Bildungsgutschein covers 100% of tuition fees for AZAV-certified courses, training, or bootcamps - so you can focus on building your future without money holding you back.

At Turing College, we’re proud to be AZAV-certified, which means our programs meet the high-quality standards set by the German government. They are officially recognized by the Agentur für Arbeit and Jobcenter, ensuring you’re getting training that’s trusted and relevant.

With this government-funded voucher, you can enroll in one of Turing College’s career-focused programs:

Data Analytics

Career program

Data Science & AI

Career program

Digital Marketing & Analytics

Career program

AI for Business Analytics

AI Engineering

All programmes are designed to help you find a job.

Ar galiu gauti UŽT finansavimą?

The Bildungsgutschein is available to anyone living in Germany, including foreign nationals with official resident status (confirmed by an Anmeldebescheinigung).

If this sounds like you, the Bildungsgutschein could be your chance to gain the skills you need for a fresh start. Just keep in mind, it’s mostly given to people who are unemployed, so getting approved while still employed is uncommon unless your job is clearly at risk.

Greičiausiai taip, jei gyveni Lietuvoje! Štai kriterijai:

Jūs gyvenate Lietuvoje

Esate nuo 18 iki 67 metų amžiaus

Per pastaruosius 3 metus nenaudojote UŽT finansavimo

In need of training to secure your current job or meet qualification requirements.

Kaip gauti finansavimą?


Kreipkis į Turing College

Išsirink galimas


Praeik Turing College atranką

Gauk iš mūsų patvirtinimo el. laišką.


Kreipkis į UŽT

Tai gali padaryti telefono numeriu 1883.


Paklausk UŽT

Dėl mokymosi finansavimo skyrimo pasirinktoje Turing College programoje.


Gauk iš UŽT pasirašytus finansavimo skyrimo dokumentus

Pasirašytas UŽT dokumentas yra "kuponas".

Turi daugiau klausimų? Kreipkis į mus:

Checklist to the meeting with your advisor

Gather all the necessary documents

Bring a valid photo ID, proof of residency (Anmeldebescheinigung), an updated CV, and any relevant certificates or qualifications.

Interpreter if required

If you don’t speak German, consider bringing someone to translate for you.

Know the most important course details

Make sure you’re familiar with the course you’re applying for and understand the key details, including the program’s duration, content, and learning outcomes.

Demand for your skills

Show that there’s demand for the skills you’ll gain by collecting job ads (screenshots or printouts) from job portals or LinkedIn.

Prepare to explain your goals

Be clear about why this program is essential for your career path, how it connects to your past experience, and what motivates you to succeed in this new field.


Can I apply for a Bildungsgutschein if I’m not a German citizen?

Yes! You don’t need to be a German citizen, but you must live in Germany and have official residency status, confirmed by an Meldebescheinigung.

Does the Bildungsgutschein cover all costs?

The Bildungsgutschein covers 100% of your tuition fees for AZAV-certified programs. Additional costs like living expenses or travel aren’t typically included, but since our programs are 100% online, you won’t need to worry about travel or accommodation.

How long is the Bildungsgutschein valid?

Once you’re approved, the voucher is usually valid for three months. Make sure to enroll in our program within this period to secure your funding.

I’m employed but worried about losing my job. Can I still apply?

Possibly! If you’re at risk of unemployment, such as being on reduced hours (Kurzarbeit) or working under a contract that’s about to expire, you may qualify. Your advisor at the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter will evaluate your situation.

What programs can I join with a Bildungsgutschein?

You can use the Bildungsgutschein to enroll in Turing College’s career-focused programs: Data Analytics, Data Science, or Digital Marketing, as well as our upskilling courses AI for Business Analytics or AI Engineering. All programs are AZAV-certified and designed to help you land a job.