How Data Analytics can benefit your business?

A guidebook

Data Analytics can transform your business in three fundamental ways. Firstly, by tracking performance you can get an accurate picture of your entire organization. Secondly, through on-demand analytics you can problem solve specific issues using data-based insights curated by your data analytics team. And thirdly, using end-to-end analytics you can proactively build data solutions that anticipate issues and provide not just a snapshot, but deep understanding. Creating and leveraging these advantages requires a Data Analytics team that is experienced, autonomous, and ready to work on building strong data foundations first.

This playbook provides an in-depth analysis of these advantages and sketches out how they could impact your business.

Introducing Data Analytics

In the 2023 business landscape, data is everything.

Digitization, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, means companies are collecting data at a ferocious pace. While this data collection brings risks and challenges (cybersecurity, GDPR compliance, cloud and edge computing), these are far outweighed by the new opportunities created. To tap into these opportunities, you need Data Analytics.

What is Data Analytics?

In its raw form, data is a tangle of incomprehensible, meaningless numbers. The purpose of Data Analytics is to find patterns in this raw data and extract actionable insights. Put another way, Data Analytics is a type of business intelligence that uses the available data to gain a better understanding of a specific business area (e.g., customer behavior).

This process allows you to make sense of the past and make forecasts for the future across every part of your business: reach, revenue, operations, customer loyalty.

Why is now the time to embrace Data Analytics?

The days when business leaders could make decisions based on personal experience or gut instinct are long gone. Fact-based decision-making is the norm in today's leadership landscape. And it is evolving all the time.

Over the last decade, Business Intelligence (BI) has established itself as the cornerstone of this new type of decision-making. And Data Analytics tools are at the core of how BI works. Take Predictive Analytics, a form of Data Analytics where a company's existing data is mined in order to predict how decisions or trends might play out in the future. From chocolate bars to cars, Predictive Analytics has been fueling disruption and enabling outperformance for years.

But this is child's play compared to what is coming. AI and Machine Learning appear to be at the inflection point of their exponential growth. This means whole new ways of analysing data will emerge. It will also unlock access to previously impenetrable data sets.

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